What is Ansible?

What is Ansible?

Sun, 09 May 2021

Ansible is an IT Configuration Management, Deployment & Orchestration tool which is open source. It aims to provide a wide variety of automation challenges with huge productivity gains. This tool is very user friendly yet powerful enough to automate complex multi-tier IT applications. Why do we need Ansible? Ansible is a useful tool that allows you to create machine groups, describes how to configure these machines, or what actions to take on them. Ansible issues all commands to perform those tasks from a central location. On the node machines, no other client software is installed. To connect to the nodes, it utilizes SSH. Ansible only needs to be installed on the control mechanisms that can even be your laptop. It is a straightforward solution to a complex issue. Advantages of Ansible: Simple: Ansible uses a simple YAML-written syntax called Playbooks. YAML is a language for human-reading serialization of data. It’s exceptionally simple. Therefore, no specific coding skills are required and even individuals in your IT organization who do not know what Ansible is will probably be able to read a playbook and understand what is going on. Ansible carries out tasks always in order. It is also easy to install. Powerful & Flexible: Ansible has powerful features for modeling even the most complex IT workflows. Ansible’s battery-included approach can manage the infrastructure, networks, operating systems, and services you are already using in this respect, as Ansible provides you with hundreds of modules to manage them. The capabilities of Together Ansible allow you to orchestrate the entire application environment regardless of where it is being deployed. Efficient: No additional software on your servers means more resources for your apps. Also, since Ansible modules work through JSON, Ansible can be extended with modules written in a programming language you know already. As basic building blocks for your software, Ansible introduces modules. So even you can customize it according to your needs. Agentless: Ansible is entire without an agent. There is no agents/software or additional firewall ports to install on the client systems or hosts you wish to automate. You don’t have to set up a management infrastructure separately which includes managing all of your systems, network, and storage. Ansible further reduces the effort your team needs to get started to automate immediately. Previous Post