If you've been following the latest and most exciting
tech trends, you're probably aware of the impact emerging technologies are
having on how we work and interact with others. Machine learning and touch commerce
are gaining traction in every industry sector, from banking to healthcare.
Technology is fundamentally altering and improving the way we do business,
allowing technology to become an integral part of our daily lives.
Five Exciting Technology
Internet of Things
This technology is regarded as one of the most
significant technological trends to emerge in recent years. The Internet of
Things (IoT) is the idea that all technological devices can be connected via the internet, resulting in a seamless collaboration between the
physical and digital worlds. In the marketing, advertising, media, and business
management segments, for example, IoT can be used to provide vast amounts of
information about customer engagement with products by monitoring their
interactions with digital devices. This information can then be used to improve
and optimize marketing campaigns as well as user experiences.
Machine learning
Machine learning is broadly defined as a computer's
ability to learn on its own by analyzing data and detecting repeating patterns
to derive insights. Machine learning, for example, is used by social
media platforms to gain a better understanding of how we are connected to our
peers and others in our social network. This is accomplished by analyzing your
social media activity, including likes, shares, and comments, and then
prioritizing content from your closest connections, displaying that content to
you first.
Virtual reality
We've all seen virtual reality in movies and imagined
how amazing it would be to be able to immerse ourselves in a fantasy world of
our choosing. We no longer have to speculate. With increasing advancements in
both the hardware and programming of the technology, its potential and
popularity among the general public make it a promising and exciting tool to be
leveraged across all industries, from retail to education.
Touch commerce
Buying anything we want with the touch of a finger may
have been included in the sci-fi section of books just a few years ago, but it
is now very much a part of our everyday reality. Touch commerce, which combines
touchscreen technology with one-click shopping, allows consumers to easily
purchase products from their phones or other smart devices. Customers can
purchase anything from clothes to groceries with just a quick scan of our
fingerprint after linking our payment information to a general account and
activating the feature.
Cognitive Technology
Cognitive technology is similar to machine learning
and virtual reality, but it is a much broader concept. Natural language
processing (NLP) and speech recognition, for example, fall under the purview of
cognitive technology. When these technologies are combined, they can automate
and optimize a variety of previously manual tasks, including certain aspects of
accounting and analytics.
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