The Key Differences: GitLab vs. GitHub vs. Bitbucket

The Key Differences: GitLab vs. GitHub vs. Bitbucket

Sun, 09 May 2021

Software version control repositories are Github, GitLab, and Bitbucket. These let programmers check out code and then push updates back to the cloud, normally using command-line tools from Git or Mercurial. Some of those products can also be installed in-house. And they can also be connected to a host of applications such as NodeJS or Zeppelin notebooks, so that code can also be stored in the cloud. GitHub GitHub may be the first name in open source repository hosting, but where private repo hosting services are concerned. All three vendors base their platforms on a version control system distributed by Git. Each provides an on-site hosting solution for reports inside your firewall, such as GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, and Bitbucket Server. GitHub has a superb, intuitive, informative, and many familiar user interfaces. If installed on your servers, the majority of developers will feel at home. It features LDAP integration, JIRA integration, and many other features that are important to businesses today. It comes with its own Wiki, and tracking issues. In many cases, this is sufficient for many needs. If it is not, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence, Bugzilla, Trello, and many other products can be easily connected. It can be used as a complete package, or together with others. In a word, GitHub is the gold standard for repositories of code. GitLab Almost everything GitLab does is done by GitHub. The features are more or less the same and the UI is as great as free and open-sourced GitHub. GitLab is a community Edition. Compared with the GitHub Enterprise Edition, that in itself gives it a huge boost. Although some features are only available in the enterprise edition. You might be comfortable with the GitLab community edition until the end of the time or you might start right away with the enterprise edition. The good thing is you’ve got a choice which doesn’t expire. GitLab can be installed on virtually any combination of hardware/OS/CM, as opposed to GitHub. They even keep Docker images. The installation is also simple. It shows the power of the open-source community which came up with and wrote about infinite combinations. Bitbucket Bitbucket is a web-based hosting service that uses either Mercurial for source code and development projects. Bitbucket delivers commercial plans as well as free accounts. It offers an unlimited number of private repositories with free accounts. Bitbucket uses other Atlassian software such as JIRA Software, HipChat, Confluence, and Bamboo. It’s similar to GitHub, which uses Git primarily.