

Best Marketing Platforms to Promote Your Mobile Apps

Best Marketing Platforms to Promote Your Mobile Apps

Thu, 06 May 2021

Marketing is the key to every product and applications are no exception. Marketing strategy for apps is becoming more and more relevant for developers to popularize their software. The pre- and post-launch job, using various organic and paid marketing platforms for apps, is crucial to making your app a success in such a competitive market. There are several ways to promote the applications with little or even free money (such as social media), but this will reduce the effectiveness. On the opposite, if you use cross-promotion, the costs will be lower and you will reach a wider market, reaching the customers that you like. Cross-promoting can be useful inside your applications, as people who already use your app will see an ad and then potentially use another app from the same developer. But you’ll be moving around that small audience, so it’s best to communicate with other developers and promote apps from one another. This is what cross-promotion does: it helps you to collaborate on the network with other developers and to support one another. MOST POPULAR AD NETWORKS TO PROMOTE APPS Leadbolt is one of the best advertising networks. It offers developers complete control over targeting, bidding, allocating, spending, and monitoring performance and the company claims to be the highest-paid ad network. Trademob is Europe’s leading marketer of mobile devices. They create targeted mobile ads and do everything from planning your app launch, monitoring, and leveraging your mobile media advertisement through 230 mobile advertising networks, RTB exchanges, and media partners to optimize revenue. Appflood is a cross-promotion network that helps developers in iOS and Android to see and monitor all aspects of monetization and distribution. It allows app developers to purchase, sell, and trade users without charging the network any fees, so you can have full control of your marketing plan. Appia is also a leading mobile ad network that offers developers the ability to pay only for those who want to try their app and with its targeted choices you can choose to advertise your apps only in the markets or platform users that you choose. Avazu Mobile is a very interesting ad network, as it offers real-time monitoring of user behavior, related content, shopping purpose, and other aspects to ensure that you get the right users for your app. This also offers reports that could help you develop your application’s marketing strategy. StartApp is Android’s monetization and delivery site, focusing on free mobile devices. By bringing search monetization into the mobile environment, it lets device developers raise more money from their free apps. It helps developers to add their app’s search access points and get higher revenues per download. We at softieons technologies work on mobile app development and digital marketing and help the customers as per their requirements.